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Person of the Week

February 06, 2020

Louis Hernandez Jr., the new brain behind Grass Valley.

Louis Hernandez Jr. is a technological and executive investor, author, and philanthropist. He is the CEO and founder of Black Dragon Capital℠ (BDC), a private equity firm that makes growth investments in complex technical fields and industries intervened by digitalization, including content management, financial services, e-commerce, sports, and media.

This week, Louis Hernandez Jr. again broke into the technology industry dedicated to the generation and distribution of content by announcing the acquisition of Grass Valley, one of the most important manufacturers in the segment, with a worldwide presence and powerful customers in Latin America

Hernandez Jr. has led several companies. He served as president and CEO of Avid, a leading developer of advanced media technology, originally focused on creating content for movies, videos, and music.

He led Avid through a major transformation, restructuring the organization and diversifying the combination of products to improve margins, redo the cost structure and return the company to profitability. The change involved new innovative products, a new digital strategy, cost efficiency, workforce optimization and the establishment of stable and predictable revenue streams, all while the company underwent a nine-year financial restatement.

The return of Hernández Jr. to the industry, after his departure from Avid, brings with it many expectations, since his transversal work philosophy will try to influence the structure of a giant like Grass Valley, as technology evolves and discovers in the IP and cloud segments new trends.

Hernandez was also president and CEO of Open Solutions, a leader in banking technology whose central processing system helped reshape the global landscape of banking technology. The company is now part of Fiserv.

Hernandez has worked on the boards of directors of global companies, including Edison International and HSBC Holdings, and has advised global organizations such as Infosys and KPMG.

*The content of this article is in Spanish and translated to English (above).